Street Sweeping Recycling

Over 200,000 tonnes
of sweepings recycled to date

150,000 tonnes
of material repurposed
Every year, approximately one million tonnes of road sweepings and gully waste ends up in the landfill across the UK.
At Eco, we have invested in the future and developed a method to divert this waste. Our dedicated Street Sweeping Facility recycles the material to produce a range of quality outputs.

The Recycling Facility comprises of several pioneering phases to maximise the output. The sorting, washing and screening process seperates any contamination before the organic and aggregate elements are size-graded and stockpiled.
All of the organic material is composted to a PAS:100 approach to produce a consistent compost like output (CLO) which is used for vital land restoration projects throughout the UK, converting brownfield sites into usable ecology rich environments.
Process steps:
- Street Sweepings Acceptance: Eco accepts deliveries, directly from Sweepers, or bulked via HGV’s either ad-hoc or under contract with Local Authorities and Highway Agencies.
- Separation and Washing: The material is fed from the reception bay through one of two dedicated Street Sweeping Washing facility, where it is washed and sorted into constituent parts, including Sand, Aggregate and Organics. The Organic fraction is then composted using the same PAS:100 methodology which is applied to our Green Waste processes to create Compost Like Output (CLO).
- Stockpiling & Distribution: The recycled aggregates and sand is stockpiled, sampled and independently analysed before being supplied to customers to mix to form concrete or to use as drainage. The CLO is supplied to large land restoration projects turning brown-field sites into environmental habitats.