Health & Safety Policy

The health and wellness of our staff is our number one priority, we've worked hard to make Eco the safest place it can be. Please see below for our Health & Safety Policy.

Eco recognises the importance of occupational health, safety and welfare in the successful operation of all our activities. This statement is a declaration of the Board of Directors intent to maintain a safe
and healthy working environment. Every employee is expected to support and further develop Eco’s Health and Safety culture by fostering teamwork which promotes positive challenge and constantly
strives for a safer working environment. Health and Safety has priority over all other aspects of company’ management. Any decisions made by Eco will take full account of any Health and Safety implications across the entire company and adequate resources will always be provided to maintain a healthy and safe working environment. It is our aim to promote, set and maintain the highest standards for health, safety and welfare matters.

The prevention of injury and ill health will be achieved through the following Occupational, Health & Safety (O, H&S) commitments:

  • comply with applicable O, H&S legal requirements and with other non legal requirements which directly affect or could influence Eco activities;
  • providing adequate control of health and safety risks arising from activities we undertake.
  • pro-actively reporting on O, H&S performance and offering full transparency throughout the business
  • consulting with staff and contractors on matters affecting health and safety;
  • providing and maintaining safe premises, machinery and equipment;
  • maintaining safe systems of work;
  • ensuring safe handling and use of substances;
  • providing information, instruction and supervision for staff (and others as necessary);
  • ensuring all staff and contractors are competent to do their tasks;
  • taking measures to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill-health;
  • maintaining safe and healthy working conditions;
  • reviewing and revising this Policy as necessary at regular intervals; and
  • the management and performance of OH&S will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure continual improvement within Eco.


The above commitments will provide the framework for setting and reviewing Eco OH&S objectives. This Policy and all associated documents will be revised annually, or after a significant event or company or management operational change.

Approved by:

Justin Dampney
Managing Director