Anaerobic Digestion


Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a biological process where food waste and other organic materials are broken down by micro-organisms in the absence of light and oxygen.

The result, a nutrient-rich biofertilizer and bio-methane, which can be used as a fuel to generate renewable heat and power.

Eco’s AD facility is based just outside of Dorchester, strategically located to minimise waste miles whilst, at the same time, maximising the outputs of the process in supplying heat and power to a neighbouring animal feed factory, as well as the bio-fertiliser to local farms.

Our unique ‘front-end’ processing equipment allows customers to deposit waste directly and safety into the bunker before the intelligent de-packing equipment gets involved. The waste is cleaned and macerated into a soup ready to be pumped into large tanks where the bugs can do their thing.

Our AD facility at Piddlehinton, alone, has prevented over 147,925 tonnes of CO2 from being emitted into the planet’s atmosphere.

The two large digestors, are constantly being fed with fresh food waste, whilst spent material (digestate) is pumped out through a fine channel screen before the pasteurisation process, ensuring full environmental integrity.

An on-site lab analyses daily samples by trained technicians to ensure conditions within the system are consistently optimum for the best end result.

The bio-fertiliser is analysed, both on site and through external laboratories, to fully conform with the stringent PAS:110 accreditation, before being spread to land to go crops, for food and so the cycle continues.

Key Facts

Size: 1.6MWe

Value: £7m

Constructed: 2012